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Playwright-elements allows you to create reusable components with child elements and chainable methods. It minimizes boilerplate code in your page objects and even enables you to work without them entirely.

This library makes it easy to represent the tree structure of a web component. Each component can have multiple descendants, and all elements in the tree inherit the Locator API. You can therefore chain calls-mixing element selectors with synchronous methods-to build expressive and concise tests.


Run the following command to install the package:

npm install -D playwright-elements

Tests with playwright-elements:


import { $ } from 'playwright-elements';

// Component can be defined outside of class and is independent from page lifecicle. 
const header = $('.header')
    logo: $('.header-logo'),
    avatar: $('.avatar')

export class LoginPage {
  readonly header = header;
  // Login form exist only on one page and can be defined only in this page.
  readonly form = $('.login-form')
          usernameInput: $('input[name="username"]'),
          passwordInput: $('input[name="password"]'),
          loginButton: $('button[type="submit"]'),
          async fillForm(userName: string, password: string) {
              await this.usernameInput.fill(userName);
              await this.passwordInput.fill(password);


export * from './loginPage';


import { test as baseTest, buildPageObject, PageObject } from 'playwright-elements';
import * as pageObjectModule from '../pages';
// Allows to set page object fixture once and it will extend fixture with new pages in module automatically.
type TestFixtures = { pageObject: PageObject<typeof pageObjectModule> };

export const test = baseTest.extend({
    pageObject: [async ({}, use) => {
        await use(buildPageObject(pageObjectModule));
    }, { scope: 'test' }],

Now enjoy. test/login.test.ts

import { test } from './fixtures';

test('check login page', async ({ pageObject }) => {
    await pageObject.login.form.fillForm('UserName', 'Pass!');
    await pageObject.login.header.logo.expect().toBeVisible();
    await pageObject.login.header.avatar.expect().toBeVisible();

Tests with playwright-elements using component driven test style:


import { $ } from 'playwright-elements';

// Component can be defined outside of class and is independent from page lifecicle. 
export const header = $('.header')
    logo: $('.header-logo'),
    avatar: $('.avatar')

export const form = $('.login-form')
    usernameInput: $('input[name="username"]'),
    passwordInput: $('input[name="password"]'),
    loginButton: $('button[type="submit"]'),
    async fillForm(userName: string, password: string) {
      await this.usernameInput.fill(userName);
      await this.passwordInput.fill(password);


import { test as baseTest } from 'playwright-elements';
import * as elements from '../elements';

type TestFixtures = { elements: typeof elements };

export const test = baseTest.extend({
    elements: [async ({}, use) => {
        await use(elements);
    }, { scope: 'test' }],

Now enjoy component driven tests style. test/login.test.ts

import { test } from './fixtures';

test('check login page', async ({ elements }) => {
    await elements.form.fillForm('UserName', 'Pass!');
    await elements.header.logo.expect().toBeVisible();
    await elements.header.avatar.expect().toBeVisible();

Release notes.