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Browser Instance

This object represents single-tone for Browser, BrowserContext and Page. It allows avoiding pass page in your page object.

Browser name

BrowserName is a simple enum with browser names you can install with npx playwright install command. See more in install browsers docs.

export enum BrowserName {
    CHROMIUM = 'chromium',
    CHROME = 'chrome',
    CHROME_BETA = 'chrome-beta',
    FIREFOX = 'firefox',
    WEBKIT = 'webkit',
    MSEDGE = 'msedge',
    MSEDGE_BETA = 'msedge-beta',
    MSEDGE_DEV = 'msedge-dev'


start(browserName?: BrowserName, options?: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser> method starts new browser and remembers it, see Getters and setters.


Returns: Browser


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";

async function useStart() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, {headless: fasle});

Start new context

startNewContext(options?: BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContext> method starts browser context and remembers it.


Returns: BrowserContext


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices } from 'playwright-core';

async function useStartNewContext() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, { headless: fasle });
    await BrowserInstance.startNewContext({ ...devices['iPhone 13'] }); 

Start new page

startNewPage(options?: BrowserContextOptions): Promise<Page> method starts new page or context and page and remembers them.


Returns: Page


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices } from 'playwright-core';

async function useStartNewPage() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, { headless: fasle });
    await BrowserInstance.startNewContext({ ...devices['iPhone 13'] });
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage();

Or to achieve the same result:

import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices } from 'playwright-core';

async function useStartNewPage() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, { headless: fasle });
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage({ ...devices['iPhone 13'] });


close(): Promise<void> method closes browser and removes pointers on Browser, BrowserContext and Page.


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices } from 'playwright-core';

async function useClose() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, { headless: fasle });
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage({ ...devices['iPhone 13'] });
    await BrowserInstance.close();

Getters and setters

get currentPage(): Pag returns instance of Page

set currentPage(page: Page | undefined) sets instance of page or undefined if you need to remove pointer.

get currentContext(): BrowserContext returns instance of BrowserContext

set currentContext(context: BrowserContext | undefined) sets instance of browser context or undefined if you need to remove pointer.

get browser(): Browser returns instance of Browser

set browser(browser: Browser | undefined) sets instance of browser or undefined if you need to remove pointer.



import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices, Browser, BrowserContext, Page, BrowserContext } from 'playwright-core';

async function useGetters() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.CHROME, {headless: fasle});
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage({...devices['iPhone 13']});
    const browser: Browser = BrowserInstance.browser;
    const context: BrowserContext = BrowserInstance.currentContext;
    const page: Page = BrowserInstance.currentPage;


import { BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { webkit } from 'playwright-core';

async function useSetters() {
    const browser = await webkit.launch();
    const context = await browser.newContext();
    const page = await context.newPage();
    BrowserInstance.browser = browser;
    BrowserInstance.currentContext = context;
    BrowserInstance.currentPage = page;

Is mobile context

get isContextMobile(): boolean to check if current context was set to mobile config set isContextMobile(isMobile: boolean) allow you to override default logic. By default, this setter is used in initBrowserInstance auto fixture and just store isMobile fixture state from playwright test.

import { test, BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { devices } from "@playwright/test";

test.describe(`Mobile tests`, () => {
    test.use({...devices['iPhone 13']})
    test(`expect positive`, () => {
        BrowserInstance.isContextMobile // returns true

test.describe(`Desktop tests`, () => {
    test.use({...devices['Desktop Chrome']})
    test(`expect positive`, () => {
        BrowserInstance.isContextMobile // returns false

Builder like methods

withBrowser(browser: Browser): void sets instance of browser.

withContext(context: BrowserContext): void sets instances of browser context and browser.

withPage(page: Page): void sets instances of page, browser context and browser.


withBrowser sets only browser instance:

import { BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { webkit } from 'playwright-core';

async function useWithBrowser() {
    BrowserInstance.withBrowser(await webkit.launch());
    const browser = BrowserInstance.browser;

withContext sets context and browser instances:

import { BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { webkit } from 'playwright-core';

async function useWithBrowser() {
    const browser = await webkit.launch();
    const context = await browser.newContext();
    const storedContext = BrowserInstance.currentContext;
    const storedBrowser = BrowserInstance.browser;

withPage sets page, context and browser instances:

import { BrowserInstance } from "playwright-elements";
import { webkit } from 'playwright-core';

async function useWithBrowser() {
    const browser = await webkit.launch();
    const context = await browser.newContext();
    const page = await context.newPage();
    const storedPage = BrowserInstance.currentPage;
    const storedContext = BrowserInstance.currentContext;
    const storedBrowser = BrowserInstance.browser;

Switch to previous tab

switchToPreviousTab(): Promise<void> when new page is opened BrowserInstance stores pointer on previous one, this method with set previous page as currentPage and call bring to front function.


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance, expect } from "playwright-elements";

async function useSwitchToPreviousTab() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.WEBKIT);
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage();
    await BrowserInstance.currentPage.goto(``);
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage();
    await BrowserInstance.switchToPreviousTab();

Switch tab by index

switchToTabByIndex(): Promise<void> when new page is opened BrowserInstance stores pointer on previous one, this method with set page with specific index as currentPage and call bring to front function.


import { BrowserName, BrowserInstance, expect } from "playwright-elements";

async function useSwitchToTabByIndex() {
    await BrowserInstance.start(BrowserName.WEBKIT);
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage();
    await BrowserInstance.currentPage.goto(``);
    await BrowserInstance.startNewPage();
    await BrowserInstance.switchToTabByIndex(0);

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